Our products allow Consumers and Enterprises to monetize their footprint on the internet.

<aside> 📌 We have built India’s fastest Living Consumer Intelligence platform - The Insight Engine!

  1. It is a Market Research and Consumer Behaviour Product - which connects businesses to 10 million users across the country.
  2. Serving as an enterprise-grade platform for qualitative and quantitative research **- across various campaign objectives. </aside>

A Demonstration of our Product Suite.

A Demonstration of our Product Suite.

🎮  Living Consumer Intelligence

<aside> âš¡ Consumers are always evolving.

Every time they use the internet Consumers grow in terms of their preferences, trials, knowledge, transaction history and more.


👤  10 million Users to choose from!

<aside> âš¡ Our user base comes from enterprise partners like IRCTC, ISKCON Global, udChalo, ShareChat and BESCOM.
